The main new feature that was introduced in version 6.0 is support for coarrays.
program hello use math_module implicit none print *, "Hello from", this_image(), & "out of", num_images(), "images." print "(a, i2, a, f6.2)", & "The product of the image number", this_image(), & " and pi is", this_image() * pi end program hello Hello from 1 out of 4 images. The product of the image number 1 and pi is 3.14 Hello from 2 out of 4 images. The product of the image number 2 and pi is 6.28 Hello from 3 out of 4 images. The product of the image number 3 and pi is 9.42 Hello from 4 out of 4 images. The product of the image number 4 and pi is 12.57
Version 6.2 includes four versions of Lapack and Blas––single, double, complex, and double complex.
Beginning with version 6.0, a portion of the revenue from the Fortran Tools will be donated to the gfortran project.
Support for Windows 10 was added in version 5.3.
Version 6.2 includes all of the features of the previous versions, with an installer, the latest gfortran that supports coarrays, an updated Code::Blocks, graphical input/output capability, math libraries, plotting, books, and other software.
Plplot was added in 5.1; here is a sample output:
More information about this feature can be seen in Section 11.2 of the Fortran Tools manual.
Another new feature in 5.1 was Glade, which is a graphical user interface (GUI) for creating GUIs for Fortran programs, that is, it is a “resource editor”. Here is Glade preparing a GUI to display the time of day:
Here is the GUI presented when running a program that uses this Glade file:
More information about Glade can be seen in Section 16.8 of the Fortran Tools manual.
Of course, GUIs still can be created with subroutine calls as in version 5.0: